Follow the instructions provided in this booklet for a successful experience with your system.
Step 1 – Crestron Panel Inactive / Unresponsive
Step 2 – System Reboot
Step 3 – Manual Operation of Devices
Troubleshooting Tips
Step 1 - Crestron Panel Inactive or Unresponsive
If you are experiencing your centralized touch panel being unresponsive, not displaying the function bar on the lower part of the screen or your unit number and time are missing or incorrect, the most common solution is to confirm power to the mini network router in the white wall mounted enclosure in your storage room.
Locate the router at the bottom of the enclosure, close to the power outlet. If the LED light at the far right, Power Indicator, is Off or Flashing with no other LED’s on, this will require a service visit to replace the power supply for this unit as it has failed. Please contact Intersystem Controls through your Strata Portal to make a service appointment with our qualified technicians.
If the Power and other LED’s are On as pictured, proceed to the next step(s).
Troubleshooting Tips
Step 2 - System Reboot
*** Prior to rebooting your system, confirm if the Green Pwrand Red Msg LED are On.
To the lower left of the enclosure, you will find your control processor. This unit controls your lights, roller blinds, climate control and building intercom.
If the control processor has only the Green Pwr LED on, please contact Intersystem Controls to make a service appointment to avoid any damage to this device.
If they are both on, you may go ahead and turn Off the white power bar for 10 seconds then On again. Please wait 3-5 minutes while the system reboots, after which you may test the functions on your touch panel.
Troubleshooting Tips
Step 3 - Manual Operation of Devices
Should the above-mentioned steps fail in getting your control system functioning, please contact Intersystem Controls to schedule a service appointment.
The light switches are located on the walls and work as normal light switches/dimmers. Roller shade keypads will not function at this time.
To operate your climate system, locate your thermostat in the enclosure, typically above the control processor.
Press the MODE button to cycle between menu options. The Up and Down buttons allow you to cycle between functions in that menu. Once your picked your settings, press MODE until you get back to the screen showing the temperature in the unit